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there is really no right or wrong about subjective posting a blog item...have been blogging now since geocities, webrings etc dark days on web 1.0 circa 1998 thereabouts..

However, I have taken the approach the blog needs a 'thread' a 'genre' or 'event' ties the posts and gathers the niche to the hive through tags and good search engine placement. I find life reflects all things in any thread or theme that gathers my blog. Here at typepad, it's my 'webcam social' fetish but all things considered.

This does make for a rather bothersome trail of abandoned blogs based on my previous obessions or genres and most preoccupations last about a year and a half before getting bored and moving on because am searching for the 'holy grail' of blog content that will drive comments, chat and engaging conversation over to my humble desktop PC and stationary butt-chair sitting at the flat here in San Francisco. You know there is a thing called the beach and a Golden Gate bridge nearby and think saw these about 10 years ago. I need to get out more often. enuff said.

LOL ;p

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